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Above the Line Culture-Raising the Standard of a Company Mission.

Are you an above the line culture or below the line culture? Is your team connected with the same vision? Does your company or team “walk the walk” or just “talk the talk” when it comes to raising the standard of a company mission?

I recently interviewed the CEO, Scott Lewis, of Spartan Investment Group (SIG) to include some quotes in my next book, “Team Culture Is Everything – 7 Ways to Connect Culture to the Vision”. What a remarkable example of how to develop and maintain a positive culture in a rising company. SIG is a rising star in the commercial real estate develop industry specializing in self-storage.

What sets SIG apart and makes them exceptional? Average leaders typically create mission statements, visions, values etc., but during conduct, they do not necessarily “walk-the-walk”. SIG creates an above the line culture, maintains and regularly adapts to a changing, competitive, environment, from onboarding new hires through seasoned SIG veterans. What remains constant is their mission: “Improving Lives Through Real Estate.”

Ok, you say, but lots of companies have bold mission statements, what distinguishes SIG? The most remarkable distinction appears at the entrance to their headquarters. At the forefront of employees’ and visitors’ first impression, is a huge plaque bearing the Spartan Creed, which reads:

The Spartan Creed

Spartans are the greatest team ever assembled, and I am a part of that team. I accept that by being a Spartan, my actions must be in complete alignment with the team’s mission, vision, and values.

Perseverance will get me through every challenge. I will never quit. I can rely on the full support of my team, and I will always be there for my teammates.

Achievement for me is defined by how I can help the team and advance our mission. I will always look for ways to add value.

Recognizing I am a member of an elite team, my work will never be less than excellent. I will always be pushing to improve.

Tenaciously, I will advance toward the Spartan objective overcoming whatever obstacles I encounter. If I see a teammate struggling, I will offer to help.

Accepting I cannot control everything, I will diligently mitigate all the risks I can while remaining flexible and adaptable to overcome those I cannot.

Never will I be anything but 100% truthful and transparent. Regardless of the consequences, I will always act with the utmost integrity and accept whatever the outcome.

Hard to miss, the plaque espouses truthfulness, integrity, and respect for customers, investors, and employees alike. The creed establishes the standard for everyone at SIG to understand “above the line culture and below the line culture” in business and personal conduct.

I am so excited to include Scott Lewis and SIG as paragons of positive leadership. Thank you for the interview and providing content for my next book “Team Culture Is Everything.”

By setting such high standards and “walking the walk” daily, expect to hear about Spartan Investment Group’s success stories going forward. Check out their web site for company details and investment opportunities.

Go to: Spartan Investors – Improving lives through… (

Let’s Connect your company’s culture to your vision – Contact me today for 1:1 coaching or team training and let’s work together to get your employees more engaged & increase their overall performance! https://www.beabean. net/contact.

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